Security arrangements for 48th session of OIC-CFMs finalized: Rashid

Security arrangements for 48th session of OIC-CFMs finalized: Rashid


Sheikh Rashid said that the security arrangements for the 48th session of the OIC Council finalized

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed said that the security arrangements for the 48th session of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Council of Foreign Ministers have been finalized.

Addressing the media on Sunday in Islamabad, he said around fifteen thousand security personnel, including Police, Rangers and FC have been deployed in Islamabad for this purpose.

The Minister also said security of red zone has been handed over to Rangers and FC, and no one will be allowed to support enemy s agenda of spoiling the country s peace.

Commenting on Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) leader Bilawal Bhutto s statement regarding disrupting OIC session, he categorically said such an irresponsible statement will not be tolerated.

Condemning the Sindh House incident, Sheikh Rashid Ahmed said leaders of the parties will be held accountable in case of any anarchic move during their rallies before voting on no-confidence motion.

He made it clear that if Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) workers can be arrested then no other party is above law.

He said only agents of imperialistic forces could think to sabotage the OIC conference.

He said outer security of Parliament House, Parliament Lodges and Members National Assembly’s (MNA) hostels had been handed over to the Rangers and FC till April 2.

Regarding convening of National Assembly (NA) session for no-confidence motion against the Prime Minister, the minister said the Speaker NA could not kill the motion rather he has authority to extend the session keeping in view the current situation.

However, he said that he did not know when the Speaker would summon the National Assembly session.

He expressed the hope that all allied would support Prime Minister Imran Khan after their consultation.

The Minister condemned storming at Sindh House and said the cases had been registered against all those who were involved in the incident. The Attorney General would file reference in Supreme Court on Monday, he added.

He said Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) would hold a historic rally at D –Chowk on March 27 and PM Imran Khan would address it, adding, the opposition was also holding a rally.

Sheikh Rasheed said the Interior Ministry would provide full security and protection to both rallies of March 25 and March 27.

He said that he has directed the Commissioner and Deputy Commission Islamabad to take onboard both the parties and select separate venues for holding their rallies. The imperialistic forces were against the independent foreign policy of Pakistan given by Imran Khan and hatching conspiracies, he added.

However, he warned that if any untoward incident happened at the rally, cases would be registered against their leadership, he added.

To a question, Rasheed said no hurdle would be made for the participants of the opposition’s rally.

To another question, he expressed the hope that the dissident PTI MNAs and allied would support Imran Khan in no-confidence motion.

To a separate question about the death of Islamabad police lady constable, the minister said as per postmortem report, poison was given to her and a First Information Report had been registered under section 302.