Laws available to guide process of leaving political party: Fawad

Laws available to guide process of leaving political party: Fawad


Chaudhry Fawad said that there are laws available to guide through the process to change party

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Chaudhry Fawad Hussain on Friday said that there are laws available to guide through the process of leaving one party and joining another.

In a statement, the Minister of Information and Broadcasting said that the vote of those ministers who have pledged their allegiance with the opposition parties will not be counted after the PTI files a letter to the speaker.

The PTI leader also said that the ministers residing in Sindh House have said that they have left Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf.

The Federal Minister further said that PTI will take strict action against the party’s Members of National Assembly (MNAs) who illegally shifted from the party and will make sure that these members are disqualified for life.

It merits mention here that, PTI had earlier decided to take legal and constitutional action against its dissident members of national assembly.

According to sources, Speaker National Assembly Asad Qaiser called on Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan. During the meeting, the PM directed the legal team to take action against the dissident members, sources further told.

The sources also said that a formal letter would be written by the PM to the Speaker for action.

Earlier, Imran Khan presided over a session in which details regarding the horse trading of the assembly members came under discussion.

The prime minister directed federal agencies to keep an eye on activities being performed at Sindh House.

During the session, the participants were briefed about the presence of Sindh police personnel in Sindh House. It was also decided during the session that the government will not let horse trading prevail in at the house.

The prime minister also directed the authorities concerned to monitor the legal aspects in order to initiate legal action against horse trading.

The participants said that nation is supporting government and no-confidence motion will be defeated. The legal team gave briefing regarding summoning of National Assembly session and was mutually decided that the session will be held on March 21.