PM Imran, Chinese premier agree to advance multifaceted strategic ties

PM Imran, Chinese premier agree to advance multifaceted strategic ties


PM Imran, Chinese PM discuss issues related to Kashmir, Afghanistan

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Prime Minister Imran Khan, who is on four-day official visit to China, met with Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang on Saturday.

In his latest tweet, Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Fawad Chaudhary said that Kashmir and Afghanistan were important topics of discussion in the meeting.

He said China has always played an important role as Pakistan s political, economic and strategic partner.

The minister said that Kashmir and Afghanistan was the mainstay of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s meetings with both the Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

China, as a political, economic and strategic partner of Pakistan, had always played a critical role, the minister added to his tweet.

PM Imran was accompanied by the Minister for Finance; Minister for Planning, Reform and Special Initiatives; Minister for Information and Broadcasting and senior officials.

Congratulating Premier Li for organizing Beijing Winter Olympics, the Prime Minister highlighted that strategic ties between Pakistan and China served the fundamental interests of the two countries and were a factor of peace and stability in the region. He added that successful celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations held last year injected a new impetus to bilateral friendship.

The prime minister thanked the Chinese government for support and assistance to Pakistan in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and timely supply of vaccines.

Imran Khan appreciated the transformational impact of CPEC on Pakistan’s infrastructure, energy, socio-economic development and improvement in livelihoods of the people. He underlined that Pakistan was committed to high quality development of CPEC through its mutually reinforcing industrial, trade, health, digital and green corridors.

He shared with Premier Li the measures taken by the government to provide policy guidance and support for enhanced Chinese investments in the CPEC SEZs and Special Technology Zones, and for safety and security of Chinese nationals, projects and institutions in Pakistan.

Exchanging views on the regional security situation, the Prime Minister highlighted the serious situation in IIOJK as well as the importance of urgent action by the international community to alleviate sufferings of the Kashmiri people. He also underscored the importance of Pakistan and China working together to promote shared objectives of peace, stability and development in Afghanistan and regional connectivity.

The two leaders agreed to work closely on further deepening bilateral economic engagement and reaffirmed their commitment to further advance the multifaceted strategic cooperative ties and building the Pakistan-China Community of Shared Future in the New Era.

The premier also held meetings with business leaders of China’s top state-owned and private enterprises. The executives who met the PM included Chairmen of China Energy Engineering Corporation (CEEC), China State Construction Engineering Corporation (CSCEC), Power China, East Sea Group, China Railway Group Limited (CREC), China Metallurgical Group Corporation (MCC), Beijing Century Industrial Development Co. Ltd (CENTINCO) and the CHINAMEX Group.

During the meetings, the Chinese businesspersons briefed the Prime Minister on the progress of their on-going projects in Pakistan and future investment plans worth billions of US dollars in the fields of energy, refining, petrochemical, infrastructure development, water management, information and communication technology (ICT), and housing.

PM Imran Khan while appreciating the interest of Chinese companies for enhancing business ties with Pakistan, highlighted that government of Pakistan had offered many incentives to foreign enterprises especially from China for investment in Pakistan Special Economic Zones.

He assured that Pakistan would continue to support and facilitate the Chinese companies for their expanded footprints in Pakistan.

The premier was accompanied in the meetings by the members of cabinet and senior officials.