President stresses 'no military solution to Afghan conflict'

Dunya News

President Alvi reaffirmed that Pakistan would stand-by the decisions made by the Afghan nation

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – President Dr Arif Alvi on Wednesday said there was no military solution to the conflict in Afghanistan and a politically negotiated settlement was the only way forward.

The President stated this in a meeting with Chairman, High Council for National Reconciliation (HCNR) of Afghanistan, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, here at the Aiwan-e-Sadr.

Expressing satisfaction at the progress achieved in the Afghan peace process, the President conveyed his best wishes for success of Dr. Abdullah Abdullah in his assignment as Chairman of the HCNR.

President Dr. Alvi reaffirmed Pakistan’s support to the Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace process.

President Arif Alvi noted that Pakistan’s contribution to the peace process had been appreciated by the international community, adding that commencement of Intra-Afghan Negotiations in Doha was a watershed. He stressed that the Afghan leadership must seize this historic opportunity to work together constructively and secure an inclusive, broad-based and comprehensive political settlement.

President Alvi reaffirmed that Pakistan would stand-by the decisions made by the Afghan nation with regard to the future of Afghanistan. The President emphasized the importance of patience and perseverance in the peace negotiations. He also underlined the need for guarding against the ‘spoilers’, who do not wish to see return of peace in the region.

President Dr. Arif Alvi further underscored that peace in Afghanistan is essential for Pakistan and Afghanistan, as well as the region, to realize their economic potential. He emphasized that Pakistan had opened border crossing-points to facilitate Afghan transit trade despite the COVID-19 pandemic. The two countries should work together to enhance trade, transit and people-to-people exchanges, he said.

The President underlined that Pakistan has completed a number of development projects in Afghanistan, including hospitals, schools, hostels and road network. Pakistan would be willing to extend more opportunities for Afghan students in higher education, he added. Dr. Abdullah Abdullah is on his first official visit to Pakistan as Chairman, High Council for National Reconciliation. During his three-day visit, he held meetings with leadership in Pakistan.