Kashmir freedom struggle has entered into decisive phase:Afridi

Dunya News

He said government has properly highlighted the Kashmir issue internationally.

LONDON (APP) – Federal Minister for States and Frontier Region (SAFRON) Shehryar Khan Afridi on Wednesday said that the indigenous freedom struggle of Kashmiri brethren of Indian occupied Kashmir has now entered into a decisive phase and soon they would get freedom from Indian occupation.

“The ongoing freedom struggle of Kashmir due to sacrifices of our Kashmiri brothers and sisters has entered into a decisive phase and Pakistan would continue to raise its voice for valiant people of occupied Kashmir at all international forums till the realization of their birth right to self-determination and complete freedom from Indian subjugation”, Shehryar Afrid told the participants of a reception hosted in his honour by Chairman Pakistan Tehreek Insaf (PTI) London Chaudhry Dilpazeer and Lord Nazir Ahed at Watford Hall London last night.

The event was presided over by the Chairman/Mayor of Watford Councillor Sardar Asif Khan at the Committee Room of the town hall. Lord Nazir Ahmed, Saeed Ahmed Bhatti, Councillor Qaiser, Dr.Yaseen Councillor Tufail, Councillor Sohail Bashir, and Bobby Amin spoke on the occasion. The event was attended by large number of British Pakistani and Kashmiri community, Lords, Councillors, Professionals, business and community leaders and London based Pakistani media.

Speaking on the occasion the Minister Afridi said that Pakistan government, Pakistan Army, the entire nation and all political parties were united for Kashmir cause and fully support the heroic the struggle of people of Indian occupied Kashmir to achieve their right to self-determination and complete freedom from Indian occupation.

He expressed the hope that the owing to the sacrifices of the valiant people of occupied Kashmir their freedom struggle would crown with success soon.

Shehryar Khan Afridi said that government of Prime Minister Imran Khan has properly highlighted the Kashmir issue internationally which was not happened in the previous governments.

He informed the participants that Prime Minister Imran Khan would also highlight the Kashmir issue at United Nations General Assembly in September next with full force.

He said that due to the efforts of Pakistan government for the first time after fifty years the Kashmir issue was taken up at the United Nations Security Council agenda.

He strongly condemned atrocities being perpetrated on innocent Kashmiris of Indian occupied Kashmir at the hands of brutal occupation forces.

He said that Pakistan would not leave alone the oppressed people of Indian occupied Kashmir and provide them moral, political and diplomatic supports at all levels and forums till they get freedom from Indian subjugation.

He called upon the British Pakistani and Kashmir diaspora to play their vital role in highlighting the plight of Kamiri people at individual and collective levels at the United Kingdom and Europe. They should also educate and inform their children about the Kashmir cause.

He said they should also stand up against the fascist regime of Modi led the government in India. Speaking on the occasion Lord Nazir Ahmed strongly condemned the atrocities and massive violations of human rights in Indian occupied Kashmir.

He called upon the international community to take notice of human rights abuses in occupied Kashmir and pressure India to stop atrocities and implement United Nations Security Council Resolutions on Kashmir to decide people of Kashmir their future destiny through UN-sponsored plebiscite.

Lord Nazir lauded the efforts of Prime Minister Imran Khan for highlighting Kashmir issue at international levels. He said that due to Prime Minister’s efforts after fifty years the Kashmir issue was raised in the United Nations Security Council agenda.

He said that British Pakistani Kashmiri diaspora would continue to lobby in UK and EU parliaments for Kashmir cause and express their full solidarity with people of Indian occupied Kashmir struggle for freedom from Indian yoke. He appreciated the British Pakistanis,Kashmiris, and sikh for their historic protest in front of Indian High Commission on August 15.

Chairman/Mayor Watford Sardar Asif Khan also strongly condemned atrocities and lockdowns in Indian occupied Kashmir. He called for highlighting the Kashmir freedom struggle and the plight of people of Indian occupied Kashmir through media and social media to expose Indian atrocities in the occupied valley. He welcomed Shehriyar Afridi to Watford Townhall and termed him a clean polititian.

He also called for educating and explaining the Kashmir freedom struggle among the young British Pakistani and Kashmiris living in the United Kingdom to keep alive the freedom struggle. The other speakers also strongly condemned the atrocities and gross violations of human rights in Indian occupied Kashmir.

They also condemned India for abrogating Article 370 and 35 A in occupied Jammu and Kashmir in violation of UN SC resolutions. They reiterated that freedom struggle would continue till the realization of their birthright to self-determination and complete freedom from Indian yoke.