Indian aggression: Reactions of Pakistani politicians

Dunya News

Indian Air Force violated Line of Control after which PAF immediately scrambled

(Web Desk) – Director-General Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Major-General Asif Ghafoor took to twitter early on Tuesday to inform the nation that Indian Airforces (IAF) violated the Line of Control (LOC), intruding from Muzaffarabad sector.

ISPR DG said in his tweet that Indian Air Force violated Line of Control after which Pakistan Air Force (PAF) immediately scrambled so that Indian aircrafts had gone back.

In another twitter, he posted "Indian aircrafts intruded from Muzafarabad sector. Facing timely and effective response from Pakistan Air Force released payload in haste while escaping which fell near Balakot while there are no casualties or damages."

As the nation awoke to the news of a violation of the Line of Control by India on Tuesday, politicians began weighing in on the situation.

President Alvi: "My armed forces are the most experienced as far as fighting terrorism is concerned. My armed forces can teach the world how to handle it, they have laid down their lives doing it. So let nobody in the region or anywhere else even think that they can harm my country.

We are protected by our armed forces and we know how to protect our nation. We don t have any bad intentions for any country, but we know how to defend ourselves."

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi: Shah Mahmood Qureshi has said Pakistan will respond to Indian aggression at time and place of its own choosing.

Defence Minister Pervez Khattak: Defence Minister Pervez Khattak on Tuesday asserted that Pakistan will not allow India to succeed in its acts of cowardice.

"Brave and fearless people of Pakistan and the armed forces of Pakistan were always ready to defend and protect the motherland."

Finance Minister Asad Umer: "India WILL get a response. The time and manner of response will be chosen by Pakistan. Indian citizens must understand that their prime minister is putting Indian citizens in the harm way for political gain by initiating a conflict india cannot win."

Opposition leader and PML-N president Shehbaz Sharif: "if India starts war then Pakistan flag will be hoisted in New Delhi."

Modi by not dragging innocent men and poor to war can do a big deed than washing the feet of sweepers. Modi on one side is washing feet of the sweepers and on the other hand he is indulged in bloodshed of unarmed Kashmiris and other Muslims.

PPP co-chairman Asif Zardari: "India should not consider [Pakistan s] peaceful policy its weakness. Modi should not disrupt regional stability just to win elections.

India should be prepared to face consequences if it attempts anything [to challenge Pakistan]. Pakistan wants to maintain peace in the region."

Senator Sherry Rehman: "Indian incursion across the LOC is strategically ill-advised and tactically pointless. Pakistan Army Pak Air Force clearly on alert.

Such moves only ratchet up tensions in a region bristling with anger. Obvious that Modi’s election wardrooms make prospects for talks collateral damage.

Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif: PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif s daughter Maryam Nawaz posted on her twitter " I met Nawaz Sharif in Kot Lakhpat jail who condemned the Indian aircrafts intrusion across LoC.

Former President Pervez Musharraf: "Pakistan needed to formulate an effective strategy for retaliation to India. Pakistan needs to expose India on the international forums; while Narendra Modi has been fooling his own people."

Modi-led Indian government resorted to such cowardly tactics because they were losing.

“Attacks alike Pulwama and Mumbai are planned by India itself,” he stated, adding that it has been usual practice of India to blame Pakistan for such attacks.

ISPR DG Maj-Gen Asif Ghafoor: Addressing a press conference in response to violation on the Line of Control (LoC) by India earlier in the day, Director General (DG) of Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor told India to ‘get ready for a surprise’ by Pakistan.

“Now it is time for India to wait for our response; the response will come at the time and point of our choosing where the civil-military leadership decides, and as a matter of fact, has already decided. It is your turn now to wait and get ready for our surprise,” the Army spokesperson said.

“You (India) have proved that you are not a democracy. You have choosen a path of war without knowing the consquences for the peace and stability in the region. We have fought for 15 years to bring peace and stability in the region.”

“If you (India) look at this option that we focus towards you, we are focusing towards you.”

By: Ameer Hamza