PM assures tribal Jirga of using all state resources to arrest Rao Anwar

PM said the government would also establish a college in Waziristan after the name of Naqeebullah.
ISLAMABAD (APP):Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi on Tuesday said as the issue of Naqeebullah Mehsood was not the matter of a province alone but of the state, all resources would be utilized to arrest Rao Anwar and fulfill the requirements of justice.
The prime minister gave this assurance to a Jirga of Mehsood and Wazir tribes, who met him here at the PM Office.
Governor Khyber Pakhtunkhawa Iqbal Zafar Jhagra, Minister of State for Capital and Administration Division (CAD) Dr. Tariq Fazal Chaudhry, and Advisor to the PM on Political Affairs Engr. Amir Muqam were also present in the meeting.
During the meeting, the Jirga demanded immediate arrest of and taking to justice to those responsible for the extra-judicial killing of Naqeebullah Mehsood.
Matters relating to the problems faced by tribes in Waziristan were also discussed, according to a press release issued by the PM’s Media Office here.
The prime minister said the government would also establish a college in Waziristan after the name of Naqeebullah Mehsood.
Talking about the problems faced by the people of Waziristan, the prime minister mentioned the sacrifices of tribal people in the ongoing war against terrorism and said the whole nation highly valued the sacrifices of tribal areas’ people and the government would continue to extend all possible cooperation for their rehabilitation.
He said the people injured due to landmine explosions in tribal areas would be given appropriate compensation by the government, and the process of clearing landmines would be further paced up.
The members of the Jirga thanked the prime minister for the meeting with tribal elders and giving assurance for addressing the problems of tribal people.
The Jirga also hailed the efforts of governor KPK, minister of state for CAD and the advisor to PM on political affairs, who played important role in resolving their problems and arranging their meeting with the prime minister.
The Jirga said the people of tribal areas were peace-loving and patriotic, who had never hesitated in the past to give any sacrifice for the country and would remain in the forefront for its defense in future as well.
The members of Jirga expressed full confidence in the leadership of the prime minister.