All provinces should benefit from CPEC or we'll adopt harsh tone: Fazl

Dunya News

Fazl said CPEC is a project of national progress and development, all provinces must benefit

PESHAWAR: (Dunya News) – Jamiat Ulema Islam – Fazl (JUI-F) leader Moulana Fazl ur-Rehman has on Sunday said that all provinces should either benefit from China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) or harsh tone will be adopted. He said that CPEC is a project of national progress and development, stubborn approach will not be tolerated, reported Dunya News.

Holding a press conference in Peshawar, Fazl said that All Parties Conference (APC) had been called in to get the concerns about its route addressed. He said that all the provinces must benefit from it, otherwise harsh tone will be adopted.

Fazl said that it is the duty of the federal government to answer about the questions pertaining to investment in the project. He said that the questions about Chinese investment are important and need to be answered.