Digitally altered clip shows Elon Musk saying that he intends to buy Meta

Digitally altered clip shows Elon Musk saying that he intends to buy Meta

Digitally altered clip shows Elon Musk saying that he intends to buy Meta

(Reuters) - An altered clip is circulating online, making it appear as if Twitter CEO Elon Musk said that he intends to buy the social media company Meta in a recent interview.

The clip augments video and audio to make it appear as if Musk expressed his intentions to buy the rival social media platform.

The video is inauthentic, however, and appears to stem from a TikTok account that advertises an app, with a description that reads: “Try the free app where you can make any celebrity say anything” (

The page routinely shares augmented clips of high-profile individuals and celebrities, making them appear as if they made certain remarks.

The original video of Musk stems from a TED talk that was streamed in April, where the head of TED, Chris Anderson conversed with Musk over his potential purchase of Twitter at the time, among other topics, although no such remark was made by Musk about Meta.

A Google advanced search did not reveal any news reports suggesting that Musk expressed his intention to buy Meta during the TED discussion (

There are other indications that the clip circulating online is altered, such as the audio lag between the apparent movements of Musk’s facial features.

A spokesperson for Twitter did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


Altered. The video and audio were manipulated to make it appear as if Musk said that he intended to purchase Meta. The clip appears to stem from a TikTok channel that routinely publishes altered clips.