Federal Budget

High expectations from ideal partner earn Ayesha Shaukat flak

High expectations from ideal partner earn Ayesha Shaukat flak


She shared her criteria for an ideal partner

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(Web Desk) - Ayesha Shaukat invites flak from audience while describing expectations she attaches with her would-be husband.

On a TV show, model Ayesha Shaukat was asked about her ideal life partner and what she looks for in a husband.

Ayesha shared her criteria for an ideal partner, which included a Master’s degree, being physically attractive and a compatible personality.

She said: “He should be educated and he should respect me. He should not forget ethics and morals even in the state of anger.”

Additionally, she specified a minimum monthly income of Rs10 lakh, adjusted for inflation, from the beginning of their relationship.

Ayesha continued: “He should look good standing next to me.”

The host asked Ayesha how handsome he should look and told her to give an example.

The model replied: “He should look like Fawad Khan and Wahaj Ali from Pakistan and an example from India would be Sidharth Malhotra.”

Ayesha’s expectations sparked a reaction from the audience, with many criticising her expectations.

A user said: “These are the kind of women who have to lower their standards at the age of 35.

Such high expectations can never be met. This is not a movie, it is real life.”

Another added: “She herself looks like a housemaid.
“I am certain she never even saw 10 lakh in her life and she dreams of having the perfect man as if she is too good for anyone.”

Criticising Ayesha, one said: “Why would a man, who has all of these qualities, marry a girl like you?