
Google marks World Labour Day with special doodle

The day is dedicated to the achievements and contributions of workers

LAHORE (Dunya News) – Google on Wednesday changed its doodle to honour the achievements and contributions of the workers across the world. 

The world is marking the Labour Day today to recognise the services and contributions of labourers. 

The google with its special doodle is also honouring workers’ role in society. The day is marked on May 1 every year. This special rendition of the Google logo aims to acknowledge the essential contributions and unwavering dedication of workers. 

The new doodle portrays a vibrant montage of diverse workers discharging different duties, highlighting their key role in shaping daily lives. The doodle portrays the myriad tasks performed by workers which makes our lives easier every day. 

This year’s Labour Day doodle serves as a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggle for fair labour practices and the importance of global solidarity among workers. 

It emphasises the need to advocate for better working conditions, fair wages, and social justice for all. 

One of the earliest and most significant events marking the origins of Labour Day was the 1882 parade organised by the Knights of Labor, a prominent labour union of the era.

It was held in New York City. This parade served as a powerful demonstration of worker solidarity and a call for improved working conditions, particularly the establishment of an eight-hour workday. 

The event resonated with the public, bringing workers’ issues to the forefront of national attention. 

In response to the growing labour movement and its demands, President Grover Cleveland declared Labour Day a national holiday in 1894. 



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