Having problem sleeping? Try these five habits

Dunya News

Inhaling through the left nostril helps maintain metabolism and leaves a relaxing effect

Most of us find it difficult to wind down for sleep after a tiresome long day. There are various emotional or physical issues that hinder the sleep process and keep one awake. Not having a good night s sleep can really make it difficult for anyone to remain fresh while spending the next day. Sleeplessness or insomnia not only disturbs the routine life but also make it hard for people to do their tasks efficiently.

To cater the sleeping problems, health specialists recommend some habits. Below are some tips to ensure a good sleep:

Herbal tea

A cup of hot herbal or green tea can help maintain good sleeping habits. It soothes the mind and relaxes the inner body to prepare for the long hours of sleep. There are several nutritional benefits of herbal tea as well like giving a dose of anti-oxidants, anti-bacterial minerals, and ensuring the anti-dehydration process. A recent study found that herbal tea can help increase sleep quality.

Breathing exercises

Health specialists point out some breathing exercises can trigger the process of relaxation which eventually leads to a good sleep. Doctors suggest holding breath after inhaling oxygen through the nose and exhaling deeply through the mouth. A repetition of this cycle can produce instant relaxation by helping the oxygen to circulate throughout the body.

Another exercise suggests to inhale through left nostril. A study found that inhaling through the left nostril helps maintain metabolism and leaves a relaxing effect.

Book reading or music

Reading anything of interest can also calm the body after a tiring day. People usually go directly to sleep after all days work. They should spend time listening to soft music or reading anything including books, newspapers or media reports. It will not only increase their knowledge but also help relax and sleep in due time.

Take a bath

Hot baths have been found to help people sleep faster, according to a research conducted by New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center. Taking a bath gives rapid decline in the temperature of body. This enhances the chasing of falling asleep initiation early. When a person takes hot bath, the temperature of the body decreases and it is likely then to fall into deeper stages of sleep.

Cherry juice

A research found that consumption of a tart cherry juice increases the likelihood of sleeping without any disturbance. It is due to the presence of exogenous melatonin which improves the quality and duration of sleep. Sipping a glass of cherry juice before sleeping should be made a regular habit if one faces problem of insomnia frequently. This remedy can be applied to avoid sleeplessness.

The story was initially published in RD