Traditional nativity plays and processions mark the Catholic holiday of the Three Kings in Poland.
Poles celebrate the Christian holiday of Three Kings with costume parades and nativity plays 12 days after Christmas. The holiday celebrates the day when according to Christian beliefs The Magi, also referred to as the Three Wise Men or Three Kings, visited Jesus after his birth, bearing gifts.They are regular figures in traditional accounts of the nativity celebrations of Christmas in Poland and are a significant part of the Christian tradition.For the kids its great fun, they can watch a king on a camel, take part in this wonderful procession, so its great fun and I hope that this will evolve and more Poles will remember about their roots and traditions, said one of the 30 thousand Warsaw residents who came to watch the procession.In America, just, like, Catholics only do it, they celebrate this day, but in Poland its everybody here and its really cool, said Leia, an American living in Warsaw.Not all seemed to enjoy the parade because of the drizzly weather. I think its great that we can go outside and theres something for the kids to do. Although my son doesnt seem to be enjoying it very much but, Im sure he will remember it, said Aga Kowalski holding her infant son Stas.In the Polish Catholic Church the Three Kings have been commonly known as Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar.On finding Jesus in the nativity they gave him three symbolic gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh.