Mexican senator expects open forums on judicial reform to begin next week

Mexican senator expects open forums on judicial reform to begin next week


The lawmaker said the forums could take place through August

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MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican Senator Ricardo Monreal expects open discussion forums on a proposed judicial reform to begin next week, local media reports showed, with judges, ministers, lawyers, and bar associations invited to take part.

The lawmaker said the forums could take place through August, before the next Congress, dominated by the ruling Morena party and its allies, begins its legislative period at the beginning of September.

Mexico President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador proposed a series of constitutional reforms in February, including one which would replace an appointed Supreme Court with popularly elected judges.

While the newly elected Congress will take office in September, President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum will not be inaugurated until a month later, giving Lopez Obrador and lawmakers a window to try to enact his reforms.