Humanity triumphs as man saves girl from drowning in river

Humanity triumphs as man saves girl from drowning in river


Video: A stranger saves girl from drowning in river

BEIJING (Web Desk) - A stranger in China, after seeing a drowning girl, immediately jumped into the river and saved her from death.

That river runs through the city of Qingyang in Guangdong Province, China, which was flowing heavily at that time.

This incident took place on Sept 11 however, it is not yet known how the seven-year-old girl fell into the river and when she was seen. The most alarming thing was that only the girl's head was visible.

Seeing this scene, people screamed and they were calling for help to save the girl's life.

That is when the man immediately jumped into the river and started swimming rapidly towards the girl and grabbed her and brought her back to the bank.

Standing on her feet, this girl also had a school bag and it seemed that she was coming from school.