Promising results for new migraine treatment atogepant

Promising results for new migraine treatment atogepant


Promising results for new migraine treatment atogepant

Web Desk - A new drug called atogepant offers hope to migraine sufferers who have tried other treatments without success. A recent study involving people who experience up to 14 migraine days per month found that taking the new pill led to an average of four fewer headache days per month.

The study, conducted by researchers at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital in Barcelona, included 309 people who had tried between two and four migraine treatments with no success or had experienced side effects that outweighed the benefits. All participants had experienced at least four migraine days in the month prior to the study.

Atogepant is an inhibitor that blocks a protein involved in starting the migraine process. Half of the participants took the new drug and the other half took a placebo over a three-month period. Those taking atogepant experienced an average of four fewer migraine days, while those on the placebo had two fewer migraine days.

"These results are exciting, as migraine can be debilitating, and this treatment led to fewer days with migraine," said study author Dr Patricia Pozo-Rosich.

Migraine affects over 1 billion people globally and is the third most common disease in the world. The condition can significantly impact a person's quality of life and ability to work or perform daily activities. Atogepant offers a promising new treatment option for those who have not found relief with other migraine treatments.