How Cybertruck became must-have celebrity car

How Cybertruck became must-have celebrity car


Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian have become proud owners of luxury vehicle

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(Web Desk) - From expensive watches to snakeskin handbags, celebrities are known for their obsession with luxury items.

But this year's flavour of the month seems to be Elon Musk's Tesla Cybertruck.

Renowned tennis player Serena Williams, filmmaker Spike Lee, Kim Kardashian, Hayley and Justin Bieber and rapper Bad Bunny are among the many celebrities who own the $100,000 futuristic EV.

'Inherently, a status symbol is something that will turn heads, and it's difficult not to turn heads in the Cybertruck,' Ivan Drury, an automotive analyst for Edmunds, told Business Insider.

The Cybertruck is marketed as giving consumers the opportunity to ride in the lap of luxury, and as celebrities continue to buy the vehicle, Musk wrote on X: 'They clearly have great taste!'

He was responding to Teslaconomics's post that included pictures of Lady Gaga, Jay Leno, and Beyonce alongside their Cybertrucks that included the caption: 'There is no car company in the world that has the level & reach that these celebrities naturally generate from driving the hottest product in the world right now.

'Tesla doesn't need to advertise, bc these people do it for them.' The truck is in such high demand that buyers are even going so far as to purchase the Cybertruck for more than twice it's retail value, with one owner selling his truck that he bought for $102,000 to another dealership for $244,500 at an auction in Dallas, Texas.

Regular customers have struggled to get their hands on one following years of production delays, which may have added to the desirability of the vehicle.