Electric vehicles run over ethanol and gas

Electric vehicles run over ethanol and gas


Electric vehicles run over ethanol and gas.

NEW YORK (Reuters Breakingviews) - The battle between ethanol and oil producers kicks into high gear with new research that says ethanol is a dirty form of fuel. Farmers and oil barons have been at odds since the U.S. government mandated the biofuel be mixed with gasoline in 2005. They both are missing the bigger threat to their businesses: electric vehicles.

The study led by a scientist from the University of Wisconsin-Madison raises other controversial arguments. It noted that the use of ethanol mandated under the Renewable Fuel Standard also raises corn prices by about 30%. The chief executive of the Renewable Fuels Association told Reuters. The study was “completely fictional and erroneous.” 

But it may not matter either way. U.S. President Joe Biden seems more focused on the emergence of electric vehicles that run off of other sources including coal, wind, and solar. That would put both forms of fuel for gas guzzlers in the back seat.