Florida company offers 2 free homes as worker incentive

Dunya News


Florida company offers 2 free homes as worker incentive

ALTAMONTE SPRINGS (AP) — While many companies are offering bonuses or higher pay as a way to lure and keep workers, a central Florida business is offering a drawing for two brand new and mortgage-free houses.

Mechanical One, which provides air conditioning and plumbing for new developments, is planning to hold the drawing next December, president and CEO Jason James told the Orlando Sentinel.

“My passion is really trying to reinvent employee appreciation,” James said. “Our business model is really, if we take care of our people, they are going to do more for us than any marketing budget.”

The company has bought two lots for the three-bedroom, two-bath homes and has set aside a $500,000 budget for the project.

James told the newspaper he thought about other incentives, such a giving away a car or a vacation. But then he decided he wanted his employees to be able to enjoy their own homes.

“Many of our employees own a home already, but a lot of them rent,” he said.