Hafiz Naeem warns govt of another sit-in if it reneges on agreement

Accuses govt of colluding with Establishment
LAHORE (Dunya News) - Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Emir Hafiz Naeemur Rehman on Thursday vowed to come to Rawalpindi again if the agreement made between the JI and the government during the JI's sit-in in the garrison city was not fulfilled.
In a statement, the JI emir said the current system had become outdated and as weak as a spider's web, adding that youth of the country would change the system if it took to the streets.
Rehman asserted that the JI had other plans in store in case the government didn't give rights to the people while blaming it for sitting on the crutches of the Establishment.
"These people make deals with the Establishment and if they don't get a deal then turn against their benefactors," he maintained.
He demanded reduction in power tariff and taxes on the poor.
He also criticised the government for introducing an anti-traders scheme and asked it to rescind.