There is no justice for poor, asserts Sheikh Rashid

There is no justice for poor, asserts Sheikh Rashid


Says life of poor has been made miserable

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MURREE (Dunya News) - Former federal minister and President of Awami Muslim League (AML) Sheikh Rashid agitated on the justice system, stating, “Injustice has been prevailing in the country and there is no relief for the poor, his life has been made miserable.”

Talking to media outside the Murree court, He alleged that Abpara police has raided his houses and Abpara police SHO confiscated the cash, watches and new pairs of shoes from his house.

He claimed that police promised to return back his essentials but hasn’t returned back yet.

Sheikh Rashid insisted that he was subjected to cruelty as mattress and quilt provided to him by DSP on his transfer to Murree were changed.

He highlighted that this maltreatment was peak of injustice and justice was blind.

He stressed that there was no justice system, there was no access to fair justice and life of the poor has been made miserable.