Govt pushes opposition to the wall: Shibli

Govt pushes opposition to the wall: Shibli


Says you should not make us feel that we are not the part of the House

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ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Opposition Leader in Senate Shibli Faraz has said the House has been turned into a ‘royal residence’ as the opposition is pushed to the wall.

Speaking at the Senate session, Faraz said the opposition’s questions were always being ignored which was worrisome.

Yesterday, the PPP parliamentary leader presented a resolution without showing it to the opposition, he said.

“You are good in numbers but there are some democratic values. Today, we are not required by you, but tomorrow you defiantly will seek our help. You should not make us feel that we are not the part of the House,” he said.

Read more: Shibli Faraz berates govt for anti-people budget

Senator Sherry Reahman tried to speak during the speech, but the opposition leader brushed her, telling her not to speak in the middle.