Power Division initiates action against 1,914 officers of Discos

Division also launched inquiries against corrupt officers besides transferring others
ISLAMABAD (Adeel Warraich) - In a major effort to combat electricity theft, the Power Division has initiated stringent action against 1,914 officers of distribution companies.
This crackdown has already led to departmental inquiries against 351 officers from Lesco, 138 officers from Gepco, 195 officers from Fesco, 219 officers from Iesco, 314 officers from Mepco, and 299 officers from Pesco.
Moreover, the Power Division has also launched inquiries against 112 officers from Hesco, 86 officers from Sepco, 165 officers from Qesco, and 35 officers from Tesco.
The ongoing crackdown against those responsible for electricity theft will see legal proceedings against all corrupt officials.
So far, over 2,199 cases of electricity theft in various distribution companies have been brought to light. Out of these, FIRs have been registered against 1,955 individuals, with 21 arrests made.
Additionally, a total fine of Rs164 million has been imposed on the distribution companies for the theft of approximately four million units.