PTI's ideology laid to rest on May 9: Gilani

PTI's ideology laid to rest on May 9: Gilani


Says the party has fragmented the way it was formed

MULTAN (Dunya News) – Former premier Sen Yousaf Raza Gillani on Thursday said the PTI had fragmented in the very fashion it had been formed. Its ideology was against that of Pakistan’s and laid to rest on May 9, he remarked.

Talking to media in his hometown after offering Eid prayers, Gillani – a senior PPP leader who is currently serving as a senator for a six-year term ending in March 2027 – stressed the need for a Charter of Economy modelled on the Charter of Democracy.

Two former prime ministers Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif, who were living in exile at time during the Musharraf rule, had signed the Charter of Democracy in 2006, which set some basic ground rules for political engagement and goals for the constitutional as well as democratic progress in the country.

Gillani said the political forces should sit together and hold talks on issues likes Charter of Economy, general elections date and the caretaker setup, which would replace the current coalition government after the completion of its tenure in August.

It is worth noting that holding general elections within 60 days is a constitutional obligation if the current National Assembly is dissolved automatically on August 12. However, the caretaker setup will last 90 days in case Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif decides to dissolve the Lower House of the Parliament before that.

The former prime minister also noted that several world leaders had spent their Eid in prisons, but said that no politician should be disqualified for life.

He was apparently referring to the PML-N supremo who had been not only removed from his office in 2017 but also disqualified for life. Later, he was also barred from leading his party which forced the PML-N to create a new office – Quaid or supremo – with Shehbaz being chosen as the president.

However, Acting President Sadiq Sanjrani has now a signed into law a bill passed by both the Senate and the National Assembly, setting a five-year disqualification limit for any person.

Actually, the Article 62 of the Constitution concerning disqualification of lawmkers does not mention any period for the purpose and it was the Supreme Court that opted for a lifetime ban while using its power of interpretation.