LHC declares approval notification of Lahore Master Plan 2050 null and void

LHC declares approval notification of Lahore Master Plan 2050 null and void


The court said the date of next hearing on the case would be fixed in September

LAHORE (Dunya News) - The Lahore High Court (LHC) on Wednesday declared the approval notification of the Lahore Master Plan 2050 null and void. 

Justice Shahid Karim of the LHC heard the petition of citizen Mian Abdul Rehman to annul the master plan. During the hearing, the report of the LDA Urban Unit consultant was submitted and the court ordered the consultant to continue work on the remaining three phases of the master plan. 

Barrister Osama argued that the master plan was approved in 2020 after considering four stages. The plan could not be approved without an implementation plan and consideration of nine stages was necessary for its approval. 

The public prosecutor countered by saying that the master plan could be approved after five stages and its implementation starts from the sixth stage. All aspects were considered before the approval of the plan, he said. 

The court directed to continue working on the master plan and finalise the plan after public consultation. The court further said the date of next hearing on the case would be fixed in September.