Marriyum asks Imran to provide evidence of ill-treatment of women

Marriyum asks Imran to provide evidence of ill-treatment of women


Such serious charge cannot be tolerated, says Marriyum Aurangzeb

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Information Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb on Monday asked Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan to provide proof of his claims in connection with the alleged mistreatment of women workers and members of the latter's party.

Describing Mr Khan's claims as a "new lie", Ms Aurangzeb said, "Such a grave accusation cannot be tolerated."

On Saturday, Ms Aurangzeb ruled out the possibility of holding talks with Mr Khan, saying those who attacked the state must be punished.

Citing the attacks on the GHQ and other national buildings, she mentioned that any talks with those disrespecting the monuments of martyrs was tantamount to disgracing them (martyrs).

“Now you are saying that [you] want to hold talks after torching schools, hospitals [and] ambulances?” said the minister who also accused the former prime minister of poisoning the minds of youth by spreading chaos in the country.

She said Mr Khan had suddenly realised the importance of talks only after his party had been shattered. The PTI was formed by transporting the people by planes, she remarked. “The parties that aren't political are shattered this way.”