Sheikh Rashid sees political negotiations as time buying tool by PDM

Judiciary and constitution will stand victorious, says Rashid
RAWALPINDI (Dunya News) – Awami Muslim League (AML) chief Sheikh Rashid on Wednesday said the PDM had been using political negotiations with the PTI as a guise for buying time.
In a video message shared on Twitter, Mr Rashid, a key ally of the PTI, said negotiations were a trick adding that the government lavished five-day Eid holidays [to buy time]. “PDM’s political fate has been sealed,” he claimed.
— Sheikh Rashid Ahmed (@ShkhRasheed) April 26, 2023
He went on to say that the people had, today, seen the true face of the 13-party alliance meeting adding that the coalition contained some parties which never bothered to attend the National Assembly's (NA) proceedings. “After achieving their vested interests, they [the PDM] say that the problem lies in the Supreme Court’s verdict of 4-3,” he added.
Read Also: Supreme Court to hear Punjab election case on Thursday
The problem was [actually] upholding the constitution and the law, the AML chief said, and the top court would uphold the constitution. “Elections in Punjab cannot be pushed beyond May 14,” he added.
All institutions were subservient to the SC and the SC was subservient to the law and the constitution, he said.
Mr Rashid claimed that the PDM did not have candidates to file for elections adding that the PTI had completed the list of its election candidates [instead]. “PTI chief Imran Khan’s popularity has seen a rise,” he added.
Punjab election would be held, he said, and the judiciary and the constitution would stand victorious.