Imran Khan batters govt for hiking POL prices at consumers' expense

Imported government has crushed the masses and salaried class.
LAHORE (Web Desk) – PTI Chairman and former prime minister Imran Khan on Sunday said the entire mismanagement of Pakistan’s economy by a corrupt and incompetent imported government has crushed the masses and salaried class by hiking petroleum prices.
Taking to Twitter, he said the historic devaluation of Rs33 against the US dollar, hike in electricity and gas prices and 35 percent unprecedented inflation expected with Rs200 billion mini budget [would prove a last nail in the PDM-led government.]
“Total mismanagement of our economy by a corrupt and incompetent imported govt has crushed masses and salaried class with latest hike in petrol & diesel prices & Rs33/$ devaluation to Rs262.6/$.
— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) January 29, 2023