Conspiracy was hatched to assassinate me like Salmaan Taseer, claims Imran

Conspiracy was hatched to assassinate me like Salmaan Taseer, claims Imran


Conspiracy was hatched to assassinate me like Salmaan Taseer, claims Imran

LAHORE (Dunya News) – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan on Thursday claimed that a plan was made to assassinate him like former Punjab Governor and Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) leader Salmaan Taseer. 

Addressing a press conference through a video link, he claimed that Naveed who fired bullets during PTI’s long march in Wazirabad to assassinate him was highly trained. 

Regarding the video statement of the suspect, the PTI chairman asked who was behind the video statement and releasing it to the media, adding that the Wazirabad DPO forwarded the video to the reporters who were reporting against his party and who asked the Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) to record another video. 

“I have not got the First Information Report (FIR) of the incident despite repeated efforts,” he said and asked who was afraid of the FIR. 

Mr Khan said the Wazirabad attack suspect s statement turned out to be a lie in the polygraphic test which made it clear that Naveed was prepared and sent. “Naveed said that he had no training in firing a pistol,” he said, adding that he (Naveed), just like Khwaja Asif, was not a religious man. 

The PTI chairman further said the intention of the three shooters was to kill him in a planned manner.

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Blames govt

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan lambasted the coalition government, blaming it for putting Pakistan to a quagmire.

The PTI chief met with PTI lawmakers from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, during which the lawmakers informed Mr Khan of threats to leave the party received on phone calls. On this occasion, Mr Khan directed lawmakers to begin the PTI’s protest movements on January 7, with protests and rallies held in various constituencies for three days.

Mr Khan expressed his concern about the increasing terrorism in the KP, saying it was deplorable that terrorism was on the rise in the province. The deposed premier also expressed his concern about the economic situation and took a swipe at the incumbent government in this regard, adding that the coalition government wasted the efforts of the PTI-led government.

Recalling the importance of the general elections, Mr Khan said for the economic prosperity, there was a dire need of announcing the snap polls. Lamenting that the country was witnessing back-breaking inflation, Mr Khan urged people to pour onto streets and stage protest.