PM Shehbaz raps killing of Pakistanis in unprovoked Afghan shelling

PM Shehbaz raps killing of Pakistanis in unprovoked Afghan shelling


PM Shehbaz condemns killing of Pakistanis in unprovoked Afghan shelling

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Monday condemned unprovoked shelling and firing by the Afghan Border Forces at Chaman border a day earlier.

Six Pakistanis were martyred and 17 others injured in the attack, the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) said in a statement on Sunday.

Taking to Twitter, the premier wrote that the incident “is unfortunate & deserves the strongest condemnation”.

He said the Afghan interim government should ensure that such incidents were not repeated.

Climate Change Minister Sherry Rehman, PTI leader Shireen Mazari and other political leaders also condemned the killing of Pakistani citizens in the incident. 

Earlier, the foreign office said such unfortunate incidents were not in keeping with the brotherly ties between the two countries.

"The Afghan authorities have been informed that recurrence of such incidents must be avoided and strictest possible action must be taken against those responsible,” reads the statement. It remained the responsibility of both sides to protect civilians along the border, the foreign office said.