Climate Crisis: Featuring Ahmad Rafay Alam, Sohail Naqvi, Afia Salam and Sara Hayat

Climate Crisis: Featuring Ahmad Rafay Alam, Sohail Naqvi, Afia Salam and Sara Hayat

LAHORE (Dunya News) – In this session of Indus Conclave, the speakers pinpointed the growing impacts of climate change in Pakistan and worldwide, along with explaining how it started altogether and what comes next.

Indus Conclave is an event that was organized by the Punjab Group, in which renowned scholars and analysts addressed different topics related to climate change, digital age, news, art and much more.

In the session, Pakistani environmental lawyer and activist Ahmad Rafay Alam initiated the talk with giving a brief introduction of the topic under discussion ‘Climate Crisis’.

Talking about the adversities caused by climate change Ahmad Rafay Alam mentioned how Pakistan has become a firsthand witness of the rapidly growing changes in the world’s climate.

He started off with explaining that unprecedented rains and floods have made people homeless, along with destroying their livelihood and even taking the lives of their loved ones.

He pointed out that the country was also hit by an intense heat wave, and before the harmful impacts of it could be calculated, Pakistan fell into the grip of another climate induced crisis of unpredictable amount of rainfall and floods.

Carrying on with it, Mr. Alam said that now another impact of climate change could be seen in the form of smog.

To make the listeners understand that what climate change actually is, Ahmad Rafay Alam explained everything in detail.

He said that it’s the result of greenhouse gasses that trap heat coming from the main source, the sun, in the atmosphere which leads to a rise in the temperature. The increase in temperature causes alterations in the climate.

“Climate change is unexpected and unprecedented changes in normal weather patterns,” he summed up.

He further said it’s a global issue and the situation is becoming alarming. The climate change has influenced the global south countries like Pakistan more.

Later on, he introduced the expert panel to thoroughly discuss the aforementioned.

The panel included Director Freshwater (WWF) Pakistan Sohail Naqvi, Climate Journalist Afia Salam and Climate Lawyer Sara Hayat.

The speakers gave their input on climate change, which is one of the most challenging issues being faced by the world. They apprised the audience about the future possibilities in all domains in this regard.

Watch the complete discussion below: