PM ready to present threatening letter in Supreme Court: Asad Umar

PM ready to present threatening letter in Supreme Court: Asad Umar


Some secrets are of national nature, says Asad Umar.

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – The Federal Minister for Planning Asad Umar on Tuesday while talking about external conspiracy and the threatening letter showed by the Prime Minister during Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) rally held at Parade Ground in Islamabad said that PM Imran Khan is ready to present the threatening letter in the Supreme Court.

Talking to media in Islamabad along with Federal Minister for Information Fawad Chaudhry, the senior PTI leader Asad Umar said that in his address to the gathering, the Prime Minister had mentioned a letter stating that outside forces were involved in the no-confidence motion.

He also mentioned that some people are putting up questions like why we are not showing them the letters, adding that, some secrets are of national nature.

Further talking about it he stated that the Prime Minister has told me that if there is any doubt, we are ready to show this letter to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court as everyone has confidence in the Chief of the Honorable Court.

"I am not allowed to say the words in the letter," he said.

The federal minister gave some key details from the letter that included threats claiming that if Imran Khan manages to tackle the no-confidence move and remains on the seat of the Prime Minister of Pakistan then he will have to face disastrous results.

While talking about it he pointed out that an important thing to know is the date of the letter is before the no-confidence, adding that this is important because it directly mentions the no-confidence motion.

More importantly, it bluntly states that if the no-confidence motion does not succeed and Imran Khan remains prime minister, the consequences will be disastrous, he added.

Asad Umar further explained that due to legal restrictions, it has been shared only with top military leaders and some cabinet members. That is why the Prime Minister has asked to present it in the Supreme Court, he continued saying.

The federal minister highlighted that while the letter directly mentions Pakistan’s foreign policy, it is clear that the message in the letter is that the no-confidence motion and the outside forces are intertwined.

Asad Umar further elaborated the matter saying that there is no doubt that Nawaz Sharif is involved in this as he is holding meet-ups in London.

He stated that it’s on the Prime Minister if wants to share any further details.

The senior leadership of PDM is not unaware of this. Given these circumstances, the Prime Minister thinks that it is important to inform the people, he said.

The federal minister put forward a question for the political leaders expressing that we believe that many of the members of the National Assembly do not know what other elements are behind the no-confidence motion.Obviously, they do not want to be part of a movement that poses a threat to the country.

After all the information has come out, the members of the National Assembly will wonder if they are willing to be a part of it knowingly, he said.

Leaving it to the political wisdom of the assembly members Asad Umar said that Members of the National Assembly are very patriotic. Obviously, they will decide to support or oppose the no-confidence motion only after looking at the whole situation.