FM Qureshi invites opposition for creation of South Punjab province

Dunya News


"I welcome all opposition leaders to put longstanding desire of the people of South Punjab foremost"

MULTAN (Dunya News) – Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Wednesday invited opposition leaders to join government in efforts to make South Punjab a province.

Qureshi, in a tweet, said that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) manifesto promises creation of a separate province for the people of South Punjab.

Irrespective of political affiliation, national interest requires unity on a Constitutional amendment, he added.

The minister said that as a party we continue to work consistently to deliver on recognition of South Punjab as an independent province and we have instituted separate administration, structure, budgets, jobs and benefits with over 35% development budget for South Punjab and ring fencing to stop financial re-appropriation.

“Through reform, our focus is socio-economic uplift. The South Punjab Civil Secretariat under an Additional Chief Secretary is manifest of this as is setting up district development coordination committees to improve service delivery for ease and convenience of people of South Punjab.”

I welcome all opposition leaders to put the longstanding desire of the people of South Punjab foremost. Together we must reach consensus on passage of a Constitutional amendment for the creation of a separate province for South Punjab, he added.