All public, private schools to remain closed till May 23

A review meeting in this regard would be held on May 18
LAHORE (Dunya News) – Punjab Minister for school education Dr Murad Raas said that all public and private schools in Punjab would remain closed till May 23.
In his tweet on Friday, he said that decision regarding closure of schools had been made in light of the coronavirus spread situation.
— Murad Raas (@DrMuradPTI) May 14, 2021
All Public and Private Schools of Punjab will remain closed till May 23, 2021 due to COVID 19 situation. A review meeting will be held on May 18th, 2021. Please make sure to follow SOPs issued by the Government.
A review meeting in this regard would be held on May 18, he added.
Murad Raas urged the people to follow corona standard operating procedures (SOPs) in letter and spirit to keep themselves and others safe from the virus.