Finance Minister hints at renegotiating IMF deal

IMF's demand to raise electricity tariff is unreasonable: Shaukat Tarin
ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Federal Finance Minister Shaukat Tarin hinted at renegotiating deal with International Monetary Fund (IMF) and said the organization was being unfair with Pakistan.
As per details, Finance Minister has said that IMF’s demand to raise electricity tariff is unreasonable and argued the hiking the tariff will only increase corruption in the country.
Shaukat Tarin further said that he is trying to convince IMF that the hike in tariff is causing inflation in the country. We have assured IMF of reducing circular debt but demand of increasing tariff is not understandable, he added.
The minister also warned that if GDP growth is not increased to at least 5 percent, country will be facing serious crisis in next four years.