Balochistan: Stalemate persists between BAP, PTI on division of ministries

Both allies agreed on the name of Abdul Qudus Bizenjo as the provincial assembly's speaker.
QUETTA (Dunya News) – Stalemate continues to persist among Balochistan Awami Party (BAP) and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) over issue of allotment of provincial ministries and slot of Balochistan Assembly’s (BA) deputy speaker.
As per details garnered, BAP and PTI have not yet reached on any accord pertaining to formula of distribution of ministries as latter has withdrawn its nominee for the slot of BA’s deputy speaker.
However, both allies agreed on the name of Abdul Qudus Bizenjo as the provincial assembly s speaker.
PTI’s parliamentary leader Sardar Yar Muhammad Rind made it overtly clear that they would back BAP’s nominees for the slot of Balochistan Chief Minister and BA’s speaker but would opt to sit on opposition benches if already discussed matters are not implemented.
After days of breaks and makes, coalition parties announced BAP’s Jam Kamal Khan as their pick for the slot of Balochistan chief minister and nominated Abdul Qudus Bizenjo as the provincial assembly speaker.