Exclusive stories to its credit, Dunya earned distinguished position

Dunya News has positioned itself as one of the leaders in a short span of time.
LAHORE (Dunya News) – Dunya News celebrated its continued success and commitment to independent reporting and news innovation as it turned 6 on Monday.
Dunya News – one of the leading national news networks – started its formal broadcast on December 1 2008 after years of planning, strategizing and test running.
With several exclusive stories to its credit, Dunya News has positioned itself as one of the leaders in a short span of time – a fact acknowledged by newsmen from across the country.
On the 6th anniversary, Dunya News has once again taken the lead by equipping its studios with state of the art multimedia technology that reports news with supporting graphics like never before.
Dunya earned a distinguished position in the field of journalism by reporting issues like :
Attack on Karachi Airport…
Blast at Wahga border…
Killing of Hakeem Ullah Mehsood….
Sit-in of Pakistan Tehreek-eInsaf…
Sit-in of Pakistan Awami Tehreek…
Coverage of Internally displaced people IDPs…
Coverage of operation Zarb-e-Azab…
Model Town incident…
A minor girl Sunbal’s rape…
Couple jumped from train afraid of family after love marriage…
Girl from Muzaffargarh killed herself for not getting justice after being raped…
Footage of quarrel in London Airplane.