Former interior secretary Roedad Khan has said that ISI created IJI against Benazir Bhutto.
Talking to Dunya News, former interior secretary Roedad Khan said that ISI created IJI because Benazir government had become a security risk as it wanted to roll back Pakistan’s nuclear programme.He revealed that the ISI under guidance from Gen (retd) Hameed Gul created IJI to get rid of Benazir government.He said that the US was surprised at completion of nuclear programme during Ziaul Haq tenure.He further revealed the US and Gen (retd) Aslam Beg were involved in Bahawalpur C130 crash in which former Army Chief and President Ziaul Haq was killed. He said that US believed that they would have no role in Afghanistan if Gen Zia remained in power so they decided to remove this hurdle and Aslem Beg was also involved in this conspiracy.Answering another question, Roedad Khan said that establishment is afraid of Nawaz Sharif.Replying to another question, he said that judiciary is not a week institution and Pakistan Army will implement the verdicts issued by judiciary.