Few movies that teach us fundamental lessons about life

Few movies that teach us fundamental lessons about life


Movies should not be watched for entertainment purpose solely, one should get lessons

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By Ali Haider 

It goes without saying that quality movies impress their viewers. A good movie is not all about action and hero's final victory. It is more than that. 

It includes real life lessons thus helping its viewers to watch it not just from the point of view of an entertainment. 

Some movies which have given their viewers valuable lessons and unforgettable scenes are enlisted. 

Upholding one’s values - ‘Scent of a Woman’ 

Consider the role of Al Pacino in ‘Scent of a Woman’. He dominates the entire movie as a retired colonel who has lost his eyesight, and that role earned him an Oscar. 

Not that the acting was great, but the script also demonstrated a unique approach to teaching society the values of ethics and standing by principles in the face of difficulties.

Colonel Slade - Al Pacino - came to the defence of a student named Charlie who was about to be dismissed from school for not obeying the school's values. 

He assured the committee that the boy had a bright future and he should not be expelled just because he made the right decision of not informing on his friends to the principal of the school about a major mishap. 

That movie showed how crucial it is to uphold one’s values in the face of calamities.   

Helping others, even strangers – Gran Torino 

Clint Eastwood’s ‘Gran Torino’ has illustrated the value of helping others in need. Eastwood’s neighbours – immigrants from Vietnam - face threats from gang lords.

Eastwood comes to the rescue of his neighbours and his efforts resulted in the arrest of gangsters of the area. 

This movie also highlights how important it is to maintain a family system so that one should not be lost in the abyss of loneliness. 

Eastwood’s acting in the movie was more than any standardised definition of how a protagonist should act. 

Controlling your emotions even in extreme situations – Seven 

The movie ‘Seven’ is all about controlling and checking one’s emotions so that one can give a measured response. 

The movie starring Brad Pit offers many lessons. The villain in the movie is a serial killer who gives a fatal torture to his victims who possess the seven ‘deadly sins’: Gluttony, sloth, pride, greed, lust, envy and wrath. 

He kills the persons possessing the first six values. Who would be his last victim to be killed in wrath?

Against the anticipation of viewers, the final scene of the movie shows that the villain brought the head of the hero’s wife. In wrath, the hero killed the villain and the latter is successful in its plan.  

The movie is about not being carried away in a stream of emotions so that the devil’s plan is fulfilled. 

Lonely or Being Alone - Taxi Driver 

Taxi Driver is a Robert De Niro’s masterpiece. Suffering from insomnia, the protagonist drives a taxi at night. He abhors how his customers just pretend that he does not exist and there is no interaction.

Living in New York, he just thinks that the city is an extension of a taxi itself. Full of people who do not pay attention to each other. 

He finds a way to fight his loneliness by living life as it is. He also senses that life has a purpose. And it could be to save a vulnerable stuck in an abhorrent environment.