Hania Aamir says fame triggers feelings of anxiety

Hania Aamir says fame triggers feelings of anxiety


The actor talks her struggles with mental health

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(Web Desk) – Actor Hania Aamir during an interview has said she wants to amuse people and create positive influence through her work.

The actress expressed her dedication to radiating positive vibes through her craft and bringing happiness to audiences everywhere.

Hania Aamir talked about the mental health issues she has been facing.

The actress and model disclosed that fame triggers feelings of anxiety for her. Throughout her career, she has been consistently transparent about her struggles with mental health.

Hania Aamir further expressed that she often worries about what she will answer to God after death.

She wonders how she will justify posting beautiful pictures on social media and earning a lot of money from it, as this is not the answer she wishes to give.

She noted that people often avoid discussing mental health, but she has consistently spoken about it.

She said people must know that mental illnesses is curable, expressing happiness about being part of Pakistan's first Netflix series, "Jo Bachay Hain Sang Samait Lo," but she did not reveal any details about her role or the story.