Composition, lyrics make a singer long lasting: Sajjad Ali

Composition, lyrics make a singer long lasting: Sajjad Ali


Says legacy is all about your art

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(Web Desk) - In an interview, singer Sajjad Ali shared his opinion on why singers are not as long lasting stars as they used to be in the past.

He said singing talent can be there but the composition and lyrics they are getting are not good enough which is making them lose that fame soon.

He talked about legacy in such a cool way. He has got three kids into music, but he has also been a mentor to others in the biz. He doesn't think legacy is just about your own kids.

It is about your art. Anyone who carries it forward is part of your legacy. He said it is all about consistency and determination that make you successful.

Sajjad Ali is a music legend in Pakistan. Everything he sings becomes super popular.

He has been making awesome music since he was a teenager, and he is still killing it. Sajjad Ali is one of the best voices from Pakistan.

He has been giving hit music since he was a teenager and he is still on the top of his game. Sajjad Ali has once again given a new song for Coke Studio and he knows how to make waves.