Tribeca Film Festival 2010: Just Like Us popular among audience
Tribeca Film Festival 2010: Just Like Us popular among audience
The documentary Just Like Us attempts to bridge the gap between western and eastern civilizations. The audience appreciated the documentary.Egyptian director Ahmed Ahmed opens with a brief lesson about the difference between a Muslim and an Arab. Through a sequence of interviews comedian Ahmed Ahmed solidifies the reality that most people, regardless of age, sex or ethnicity, naively use the terms 'Arab' and 'Muslim' interchangeably when in fact, Arab refers to a nationality, while Muslim refers to an individual practicing Islam.Ahmed specifically travelled to four Arab nations including United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Egypt. Regardless of the rules, Ahmed and his band of comedians keep you laughing nearly the entire film. Not only is the material flowing during their performances, but they make you feel as though you're on the tour with them.