Suspected robber lynched by enraged mob in Karachi

Suspected robber lynched by enraged mob in Karachi


A similar incident also took place last month

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KARACHI (Web Desk) - Enraged mob lynched a suspected robber in Karachi’s Orangi Town area. 

According to Orangi Town Station House Officer (SHO) Jamal Leghari, a citizen named Arsalan was robbed when he was busy in buying something from a milk shop.

The two suspects allegedly snatched a mobile phone and motorcycle from Arsalan.

A large number of nearby people also reached the spot when the suspects were fleeing after robbery.

The robbers were chased by the charged mob and one of the suspects was caught.

The mob started beating him and he died on the spot.

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“The charged mob tried to set the other suspect on fire when a patrolling police party reached the spot and saved him from being torched,” SHO Leghari said.

Both the suspects were later identified and police recovered a motorbike, cell phone and a pistol from their custody.

The body was later shifted to Abbasi Shaheed Hospital.

A similar incident took place last month when the enraged people thrashed two suspected robbers and attempted to lynch them by setting them on fire in New Karachi.