PSO has suspended oil supply to KESC while half of Karachi plunged into darkness as extra high tension line tripped.KESC sources said that a 132KV extra high tension line tripped near Baldia Grid Station, which resulted into closing of 15 other grid stations. The tripping plunged Sarjani Town, North Karachi, North Nazimabad, Waleka, Baldia Town, Hub, Wandar, Othal and many other areas into darkness.KESC sources said that resumption of power may take another 4 hours. Kanup spokesman said that it would take two to three days in restoration of power supply from atomic power house. KESC said due to non-availability of furnace oil the power outages have been increased.PSO said KESC rejected the credit limit to 45 days and subsidy on furnace oil.It added that it would restore oil supply if KESCs Rs600million cheque would be cashed.