Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly Election 2020

GB Electoral Roll 2020 Male Voters 405,363 Female Voters 340,298 Total 745,661

Party Position

Party Seats
PTI 10

غیر سرکاری غیر حتمی نتائج حلقہ کی ترتیب سے

GB-1 Registered Voters: 35,840 Vote Casted: 21814 Turnout 60%
نتیجہ ووٹ پارٹی امیدوار
فاتح 10875 PPP امجد حسین
2 nd 7482 IND مولانا سلطان رئیس
3 rd 1712 PTI جوہرعلی
4 th 480 IND محمد شفیق الدین
5 th 404 JUIF عبدالحمید گجر
GB-2 Registered Voters: 41,259 Vote Casted: 17725 Turnout 42%
نتیجہ ووٹ پارٹی امیدوار
فاتح 6696 PTI فتح اللہ خان
2 nd 6694 PPP جمیل احمد
3 rd 5723 PMLN حافظ حفیظ الرحمان
4 th 49 PMLQ ناصر میر
5 th 0 IND جبران رشید خان
GB-4 Registered Voters: 23,171 Vote Casted: 14493 Turnout 62%
نتیجہ ووٹ پارٹی امیدوار
فاتح 6104 PPP امجد حسین
2 nd 5606 ITP محمد ایوب وزیری
3 rd 2728 PTI ذوالفقار علی
4 th 55 PMLN عارف حسین
5 th 13 IND رحمت حسین
GB-5 Registered Voters: 14,001 Vote Casted: 8835 Turnout 63%
نتیجہ ووٹ پارٹی امیدوار
فاتح 2562 IND جاوید علی منوا
2 nd 2149 IND ذوالفقار علی مراد
3 rd 1799 MWM حاجی رضوان علی
4 th 1257 PPP مرزا حسین
5 th 558 PMLN سجاد حسین
GB-6 Registered Voters: 43,603 Vote Casted: 23060 Turnout 52%
نتیجہ ووٹ پارٹی امیدوار
فاتح 5624 PTI عبیداللہ بیگ
2 nd 4584 IND نور محمد
3 rd 4090 PPP ظہور کریم
4 th 3721 IND کامل جان
5 th 2612 AWP آصف سعید سخی
GB-7 Registered Voters: 17,127 Vote Casted: 10857 Turnout 63%
نتیجہ ووٹ پارٹی امیدوار
فاتح 5288 PTI راجہ زکریا مقپون
2 nd 4140 PPP سید مہدی شاہ
3 rd 1429 PMLN حاجی اکبرتابان
4 th 0 MQMP سید محمد
5 th 0 ITP محمد عباس
GB-8 Registered Voters: 39,567 Vote Casted: 22560 Turnout 57%
نتیجہ ووٹ پارٹی امیدوار
فاتح 7988 MWM محمد کاظم
2 nd 7012 PPP محمدعلی شاہ
3 rd 3107 IND کاچو امتیازحیدر
4 th 1854 PMLN محمد سعید
5 th 1841 ITP محمد شبیر
GB-9 Registered Voters: 25,562 Vote Casted: 12101 Turnout 47%
نتیجہ ووٹ پارٹی امیدوار
فاتح 6865 IND وزیرمحمد سلیم
2 nd 5236 PTI فدا محمد ناشاد
3 rd 2000 PPP وزیروقارعلی
4 th 0 IND منظوراحمد
GB-10 Registered Voters: 26,839 Vote Casted: 17702 Turnout 65%
نتیجہ ووٹ پارٹی امیدوار
فاتح 4811 IND راجہ ناصرعلی
2 nd 3439 PTI وزیرحسن
3 rd 2416 IND نجف علی
4 th 2206 PPP محمد خان وزیر
5 th 2021 MWM مشتاق حسین
GB-11 Registered Voters: 26,869 Vote Casted: 13902 Turnout 51%
نتیجہ ووٹ پارٹی امیدوار
فاتح 6898 PTI سید امجد زیدی
2 nd 2608 IND اقبال حسین
3 rd 2246 IND سیدمحسن رضوی
4 th 1076 IND ڈاکٹر شجاعت میثم
5 th 860 PPP نیازعلی صیام
GB-12 Registered Voters: 36,183 Vote Casted: 24804 Turnout 68%
نتیجہ ووٹ پارٹی امیدوار
فاتح 10283 PTI راجہ اعظم خان
2 nd 8714 PPP عمران ندیم
3 rd 7893 PMLN طاہر شگری
4 th 487 PMLQ محمد حسن جوہری
GB-13 Registered Voters: 33,378 Vote Casted: 11481 Turnout 34%
نتیجہ ووٹ پارٹی امیدوار
فاتح 4836 PTI خالد خورشید خان
2 nd 3528 PMLN رانا فرمان علی
3 rd 3117 PPP عبدالحمید خان
4 th 0 IND اعجاز احمد
5 th 0 IND رانا محمد افلاطون
GB-14 Registered Voters: 29,023 Vote Casted: 16337 Turnout 56%
نتیجہ ووٹ پارٹی امیدوار
فاتح 5611 PTI شمس الحق لون
2 nd 3737 PPP ڈاکٹر مظفر علی
3 rd 3554 PMLN رانا محمد فاروق
4 th 1436 JI نعمت اللہ خان
5 th 972 IND وزیر علی
GB-15 Registered Voters: 35,185 Vote Casted: 20667 Turnout 58%
نتیجہ ووٹ پارٹی امیدوار
فاتح 2685 IND حاجی شاہ بیگ
2 nd 2517 IND محمد دلپزیر
3 rd 2391 PTI نوشاد عالم‬‎
4 th 2168 PPP بشیر احمد
5 th 2114 PMLN عبدالواجد
GB-16 Registered Voters: 35,405 Vote Casted: 9127 Turnout 25%
نتیجہ ووٹ پارٹی امیدوار
فاتح 4813 PMLN انجینئرمحمد انور
2 nd 4314 IND عطا اللہ‬‎
3 rd 1733 PTI عتیق اللہ
4 th 50 PPP دلبر خان
5 th 25 JUIF سیف اللہ
GB-17 Registered Voters: 29,955 Vote Casted: 10551 Turnout 35%
نتیجہ ووٹ پارٹی امیدوار
فاتح 5389 PTI حیدر خان
2 nd 5162 JUIF رحمت خالق
3 rd 76 PPP غفار خان
4 th 41 PMLN صدر عالم
5 th 0 IND عبدالبر
GB-18 Registered Voters: 18,907 Vote Casted: 8929 Turnout 47%
نتیجہ ووٹ پارٹی امیدوار
فاتح 4059 PTI حاجی گلبر خان
2 nd 3544 IND ملک کفایت الرحمان
3 rd 598 JUIF مولاناعبدالرشید
4 th 466 PMLQ مہرداد
5 th 185 PPP سعدیہ دانش
GB-19 Registered Voters: 37,808 Vote Casted: 11175 Turnout 29%
نتیجہ ووٹ پارٹی امیدوار
فاتح 6208 IND نواز خان ناجی
2 nd 4967 PPP سید جلال شاہ
3 rd 3363 IND شکیل احمد
4 th 2090 PTI ظفر محمد
5 th 0 IND صداقت علی شاہ
GB-20 Registered Voters: 42,533 Vote Casted: 9397 Turnout 22%
نتیجہ ووٹ پارٹی امیدوار
فاتح 5582 PTI نذیر احمد
2 nd 3815 PMLQ خان اکبر خان
3 rd 1282 PPP علی مدد شیر
4 th 80 IND فدا خان
5 th 63 JUIF عبدالخالق
GB-21 Registered Voters: 34,973 Vote Casted: 7764 Turnout 22%
نتیجہ ووٹ پارٹی امیدوار
فاتح 4334 PMLN غلام محمد
2 nd 3430 PPP محمد ایوب شاہ
3 rd 1635 IND حفیظ الرحمان
4 th 117 PTI راجہ جہانزیب
5 th 0 IND گوہر شاہ
GB-22 Registered Voters: 29,104 Vote Casted: 10996 Turnout 37%
نتیجہ ووٹ پارٹی امیدوار
فاتح 6051 IND مشتاق حسین
2 nd 4945 PTI ابراہیم ثنائی
3 rd 139 PMLN رضاالحق
4 th 95 PPP محمد جعفر
5 th 0 IND ابراہیم
GB-23 Registered Voters: 27,522 Vote Casted: 15363 Turnout 55%
نتیجہ ووٹ پارٹی امیدوار
فاتح 3774 IND عبدالحمید
2 nd 3374 PTI آمنہ انصاری
3 rd 2318 IND آصف حسین
4 th 2235 IND امان اللہ
5 th 1610 PPP غلام علی حیدری
GB-24 Registered Voters: 20,187 Vote Casted: 12560 Turnout 62%
نتیجہ ووٹ پارٹی امیدوار
فاتح 6239 PPP محمد اسماعیل
2 nd 5666 PTI سید شمس الدین
3 rd 402 PMLQ محمد ابراہیم تبسم
4 th 305 PMLN منظور حسین
5 th 3 IND عابدین راہی


ہنزہ 1
کھرمنگ 1
نگر 1 1
گلگت 1 1
گانچھے 1 2
غذر 1 1 1
شگر 1
سکردو 1 1 2
دیامر 2 1 1
استور 2
ٹوٹل 10 3 2 1 7

امیدوار برائے گلگت بلتستان الیکشن 2020

حلقہ پاکستان تحریک انصاف پاکستان مسلم لیک (ن) پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی جے یو آئی ف پی ایم ایل ق رجسٹرڈ ووٹرز
جی بی - 1 , گلگت 1 جوہرعلی جعفراللہ خان امجد حسین عبدالحمید گجر طارق حسین 35,840
جی بی - 2 , گلگت 2 فتح اللہ خان حافظ حفیظ الرحمان جمیل احمد محمد مجاہد ناصر میر 41,259
جی بی - 4 , نگر 1 ذوالفقار علی عارف حسین امجد حسین ہدایت حسین میر 23,171
جی بی - 5 , نگر 2 سجاد حسین مرزا حسین عابد حسین 14,001
جی بی - 6 , ہنزہ عبیداللہ بیگ ریحان شاہ ظہور کریم مہناز ولی سکندر احمد 43,603
جی بی - 7 , سکردو 1 راجہ زکریا مقپون حاجی اکبرتابان سید مہدی شاہ 17,127
جی بی - 8 , سکردو 2 محمد سعید محمدعلی شاہ 39,567
جی بی - 9 , سکردو 3 فدا محمد ناشاد وزیروقارعلی 25,562
جی بی - 10 , سکردو 4 وزیرحسن غلام عباس محمد خان وزیر وزیراسحاق 26,839
جی بی - 11 , کھرمنگ سید امجد زیدی شبیرحسین نیازعلی صیام 26,869
جی بی - 12 , شگر راجہ اعظم خان طاہر شگری عمران ندیم محمد حسن جوہری 36,183
جی بی - 13 , استور 1 خالد خورشید خان رانا فرمان علی عبدالحمید خان 33,378
جی بی - 14 , استور 2 شمس الحق لون رانا محمد فاروق ڈاکٹر مظفر علی امداد اللہ فرید اللہ خان 29,023
جی بی - 15 , دیامر 1 نوشاد عالم‬‎ عبدالواجد بشیر احمد مفتی ولی الرحمان عاشق اللہ‬‎ 35,185
جی بی - 16 , دیامر 2 عتیق اللہ انجینئرمحمد انور دلبر خان سیف اللہ عبدالعزیز 35,405
جی بی - 17 , دیامر 3 حیدر خان صدر عالم غفار خان رحمت خالق 29,955
جی بی - 18 , دیامر 4 حاجی گلبر خان سعدیہ دانش مولاناعبدالرشید مہرداد 18,907
جی بی - 19 , غذر 1 ظفر محمد عاطف سلمان سید جلال شاہ شیر امین سہیل احمد 37,808
جی بی - 20 , غذر 2 نذیر احمد محمد نذر خان علی مدد شیر عبدالخالق خان اکبر خان 42,533
جی بی - 21 , غذر 3 راجہ جہانزیب غلام محمد محمد ایوب شاہ 34,973
جی بی - 22 , گانچھے 1 ابراہیم ثنائی رضاالحق محمد جعفر غلام نبی 29,104
جی بی - 23 , گانچھے 2 آمنہ انصاری غلام حسین غلام علی حیدری ولایت علی ممتاز علی 27,522
جی بی - 24 , گانچھے 3 سید شمس الدین منظور حسین محمد اسماعیل محمد ابراہیم تبسم 20,187

Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly Election 2015 Results

Party Position

Party Seats
PML-N 15
PPP 02
MWM 02
PTI 01
ITP 01
JUI 01
BNF 01


Astore 2
Diamer 3 1 1
Ghanche 3
Ghizer 1 1
Gilgit 3
Nagar 1 1
Skardu 3 1 1 1
Total 15 2 2 1 1 1 1

Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly Election 2009-2014 Results

Party Position

Party Seats
PML-N 05
PPP 14
MWM 00
MQM 01
ITP 00
JUI 02
BNF 01


Astore 2
Diamer 2 2 1
Ghanche 1 2
Ghizer 2
Gilgit 1 4
Skardu 1 4 1
Total 5 14 1 2 1
Top News
GILGIT (Dunya News) - The Election Commission of Gilgit-Baltistan has released the official results of 12 constituencies in the 2020 GB election. According to the official results, Amjad Hussain of PPP won from GBA-1 with 10,875 votes while independent candidate Raees Sultan came second with 7,482 votes. From GBA-4, Amjad Hussain of Pakistan People’s Party won with 6,104 votes while Ayub Waziri of Islami Tehreek Pakistan (ITP) came second with 5,606 votes. From GBA-5, Independent candidate Javed Ali Manwa won with 2,562 votes while independent candidate Zulfiqar Ali Murad came second with 2,149 votes. From GBA-6, Obaidullah Baig of PTI won with 5,624 votes while independent candidate Noor Mohammad came second with 4,584 votes. Fr
Election News
Unofficial results: ITP's Ayub Waziri wins GBLA-4 by-election

NAGAR (Dunya News) – Islami Tehreek Pakistan (ITP) Ayub Waziri has won by-election seat in Gilgit Baltistan Legislative Assembly’s constituency GBLA-4 Nagar on Sunday, according to unofficial results. According to an unofficial and unconfirmed count of all 42 polling stations received by Dunya News, ITP’s Ayub Waziri came out on top with 5,241 votes, while the PTI candidate came in second place with 5,097 votes. The polling started at 9am and ended at 5pm.  According to the GB Election Commission, total 42 polling stations had been established, including 16 for women, with 98 separate polling booths for men and women. The seat had fallen vacant after opposition leader in GB Assembly from PPP Amjad Hussain had resigned from the constituency as he had won two seats, including Gilgit-1, during the general elections held in November last year. A close contest was expected among three candidates, including Zulfiqar Ali Behashti of PTI, Javed Hussain of PPP and Ayub Waziri of ITP. It is noteworthy here that the PML-N had withdrawn its candidate from the poll race in protest against alleged pre-poll rigging by the GB government.

Nawaz sharif fled abroad by acting: PM Imran

BHIMBER (Dunya News) - Prime Minister Imran Khan while criticizing former ruler Mian Nawaz Sharif said that he fled the country by acting. Addressing an election rally in Bhimber area of Azad Kashmir, Imran Khan said that Nawaz Sharif acted in such a way that the women of our cabinet started crying but as soon as Nawaz Sharif felt the wind of London, he recovered. Today not only Nawaz Sharif but also his children have fled the country. He went on to state that the PML-N "crony" Ishaq Dar is sitting abroad, and has been since even before PTI came into power, his sons are abroad, Nawaz Sharif s sons have also fled abroad, so have Shehbaz Sharif s son in law and son. "Who are you afraid of? The courts are independent." “Judiciary in the country is fully independent as Imran Khan did not attack courts or contact judges for seeking favourable judgements. I ask them a question– why are they sitting outside the country if they are honest and truthful, why they fear facing courts?” the prime minister said while addressing a mammoth public gathering held in connection with Azad Jammu and Kashmir upcoming general elections on 25th July. He said due to independent judiciary and accountability process, even PTI’s ministers were not spared. The courts and National Accountability Bureau (NAB) were free and not under any control, he added. “If these leaders are honest, then why they fear from the justice system,” the prime minister said. Imran Khan said the nation is strived to make Pakistan a great country as the world always respects a self-reliant nation. He said past rulers mercilessly plundered country s wealth and took refuge abroad. Imran Khan said the people should think before casting their votes in the Azad Kashmir elections that whether they are voting for an honest or corrupt leader. He said poverty cannot be eliminated from a society without curbing corruption. Seeing a large number of people without observing Standard Operating Procedures against Covid-19 pandemic, Imran Khan appealed the people to continue wearing mask and observing SOPs to prevent spread of the virus. He said the pandemic has yet not been over and we will have to continue observing SOPs to protect ourselves and others form Coronavirus.      

Gilgit-Baltistan's newly elected cabinet takes oath

GILGIT (Dunya News) - The newly elected cabinet of Gilgit-Baltistan has taken oath on Wednesday. The oath was administered by Governor Raja Jalal Hussain Maqpoon at the Governor House. Prime Minister Imran Khan was also present on the occasion. Raja Zakaria and Ubaidullah Baig have been given the status of senior ministers. Raja Zakaria has been appointed Minister of forests, wildlife and environment. Fatehullah has been appointed Minister for Planning and Development and Information while Haji Abdul Hameed has been given the ministry of Local Government. Mushtaq Hussain got the ministry of water and power. Raja Azam was appointed Minister of Education. Haji Shah Beg was made Minister excise and taxation as well as Zakat and Ushr. Shamsul Haq Loon and Syed Sohail Abbas have been appointed as advisors to the Chief Minister. Ilyas Siddiqui, Mehboob Ali Khan and Haider Khan will be assistants to the Chief Minister. Noushad Alam and Syed Shamsuddin have been appointed as coordinators. The portfolio of the Provincial Law Ministry will remain with the Chief Minister. The Prime Minister also addressed the function.He was accompanied by Federal Minister for Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan Ali Amin Gandapur, Special Assistant for Environment Malik Amin Aslam and Saifullah Khan Niazi.  

Ishaq Dar's BBC interview was rife with lies: PM Imran Khan

GILGIT (Dunya News) - Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that Ishaq Dar’s interview to the BBC on Monday was full of lies and that he was visibly stressed during the grilling from the interviewer. Addressing the oath taking ceremony of newly-elected Gilgit-Baltistan cabinet, the Prime Minister said that he has known Nawaz Sharif and Asif Ali Zardari for 40 years. Allah punished both of them and now they are running off to London and Dubai to save their ill-gotten wealth. They are holding rallies to save their loot despite the resurging pandemic. Addressing the attendees, the PM expressed hope that new government of Gilgit-Baltistan will establish fresh standards of governance in the province by adopting effective strategies. The premier pledged to immediately form committee to make Gilgit-Baltistan a separate province. The team will follow timeline and present report as early as possible, he told. Unveiling his plan for development and welfare of the people of GB, Imran Khan said the present government’s Ehsaas Programme, which is the largest poverty alleviation program of Pakistan history, will be introduced in GB as well. He said all the people of GB will be provided health insurance with the issuance of Sehat Insaaf Cards under which they can get free medical facility at any hospital up to one million rupees. He said the under-construction 250-bed hospital in Gilgit will be completed. The PM expressed commitment to turn Gilgit Baltistan into a hub of tourism. He said easy loans will be provided to people to help them construct rooms at their residences for tourists. He said 300 MW hydro electricity will be generated, which will be more than sufficient for the region. He said two hydro electricity power stations are being constructed; two others are in the pipeline while two more have been approved. Besides, he said, micro hydro power stations will also be set up. The prime minister said Special Economic Zone will also be constructed in GB where industries will relocate. Elaborating the PTI’s vision, Imran Khan said he is focused to uplift the living standard of the downtrodden segment of the society. He said development of the backward areas, including GB, merged districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Balochistan is a priority of his government. 

New govt in Gilgit-Baltistan will introduce fresh standards of governance: PM Imran

GILGIT (Dunya News) – Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan on Wednesday has expressed hope that new government of Gilgit-Baltistan will establish fresh standards of governance in the province by adopting effective strategies. While addressing an oath taking ceremony of newly-elected cabinet, the premier pledged to immediately form committee to make Gilgit-Baltistan a separate province. The team will follow timeline and present report as early as possible, he told. Unveiling his plan for development and welfare of the people of GB, Imran Khan said the present government’s Ehsaas Programme, which is the largest poverty alleviation program of Pakistan history, will be introduced in GB as well. He said all the people of GB will be provided health insurance with the issuance of Sehat Insaaf Cards under which they can get free medical facility at any hospital up to one million rupees. He said the under-construction 250-bed hospital in Gilgit will be completed. The PM expressed commitment to turn Gilgit Baltistan into a hub of tourism. He said easy loans will be provided to people to help them construct rooms at their residences for tourists. He said 300 MW hydro electricity will be generated, which will be more than sufficient for the region. He said two hydro electricity power stations are being constructed; two others are in the pipeline while two more have been approved. Besides, he said, micro hydro power stations will also be set up. The prime minister said Special Economic Zone will also be constructed in GB where industries will relocate. Elaborating the PTI’s vision, Imran Khan said he is focused to uplift the living standard of the downtrodden segment of the society. He said development of the backward areas, including GB, merged districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Balochistan is a priority of his government.

Newly-elected Gilgit-Baltistan cabinet takes oath

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – The newly-elected cabinet of Gilgit-Baltistan on Wednesday has taken oath today (Wednesday). According to details, the oath was administered by Governor Raja Jalal Hussain Maqpoon at the Governor House. Prime Minister Imran Khan was also present on the occasion.   The ceremony was held with limited guests while strict standard operating procedures (SOPs) were also followed to avoid the spread of coronavirus.  Earlier on December 1, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Khalid Khurshid had taken oath as Gilgit-Baltistan Chief Minister during a ceremony. The oath was administered by Governor Raja Jalal Hussain Maqpoon at the Governor House. Khalid Khurshid was elected as Gilgit-Baltistan CM on Monday night after grabbing 22 votes. He won the seat from GBLA-13 constituency in General Elections that were held on November 15.