Speculation swirls that Omer Bhatti is Jacksons son

Dunya News

Media speculation continues over whether Norwegian dancer Omer Bhatti is Michael Jacksons love-child. Bhatti was seen sitting in the front row, next to sisters Janet and Rebbie, at the Jacksons memorial at the Staples Center in Los Angeles on July 7. Born in 1984, if Bhatti is indeed Jacksons son, he would be the first born of the King of Pops children. According to British tabloid The Sun he has applied for a DNA-test to find out the truth of his paternity. Bhattis mother Pia was a devoted fan of Jackson and in 2004 the singer is said to have told his friends Omer was his son. The Norwegian also is said to have stayed with Jackson on the Neverland ranch. Several pictures show Jackson and Omer together and a video from when Omer was 14 shows him unwrapping Christmas gifts with Jacksons other children. Norwegian media has for some time investigated the Bhatti/Jackson relationship. Bhatti has been well known in Norway after touring with Jackson as part of his stage show. He is now trying to make it as a hip-hop artist under the name O-Bee and has remained in Los Angeles after the memorial. Whether this young Norwegian really is the fourth and previously unknown child of late Michael Jackson remains to be seen.