Fai urges world leaders at UN to push for Kashmir resolution

Fai urges world leaders at UN to push for Kashmir resolution


Fai urges world leaders at UN to push for Kashmir resolution

UNITED NATIONS (APP) - As world leaders descended on New York to speak at the 78th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA), a prominent Kashmiri leader Monday appealed for decisive steps to implement UN Resolutions on the Kashmir dispute that give Kashmiri people the right of self-determination to decide their destiny.

“The clock is ticking — every day that passes without resolution of the Kashmir dispute is one day closer to a cataclysm that will reach far beyond the borders of all countries involved,” Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai, Chairman of the World Forum for Peace & Justice, said in a statement referring to the heightening tensions between nuclear-armed India and Pakistan over the decades-old dispute.

“Kashmir has international legitimacy, having numerous UN Security Council resolutions which have given the right to self-determination to the people to decide their destiny,” he said, stressing that those resolutions should once and for all be honoured.

Dr Fai said the silence of the world powers had emboldened India to unleash a chilling campaign of human rights atrocities against innocent Kashmiris, despite being the signatory to the UN Charter itself.

“It is a crime in Kashmir to salute the United Nations Charter or implementation of the Security Council plebiscite resolutions, a shocking affront to the UN General Assembly itself.”

Pointing out that Kashmir is the only nation surrounded by three nuclear powers – India, Pakistan & China – Dr Fai said a nuclear threat was ever present, and he urged the major powers to take this seriously.