SFJ exhorts President Biden to back Khalistan referendum, foster ties with Pakistan

SFJ exhorts President Biden to back Khalistan referendum, foster ties with Pakistan


SFJ exhorts President Biden to back Khalistan referendum, foster ties with Pakistan

LONDON (Hasseb Arsalan) – The Sikh for Justice (SFJ), a US-based organisation, has impressed on US President Joe Biden to reinforce America's relationship with its trusted ally Pakistan and endorse Punjab's separation from India through a referendum for the formation of Khalistan.

In a communique addressed to US President Biden, the SFJ highlighted the natural alliance between Pakistan and Khalistan with the United States.

The SFJ suggested in the message that aligning with Pakistan and supporting Khalistan could foster peace and stability in the South Asian region, reflecting evolving dynamics in the realm of international relations.

The US-based Sikh sovereignty organisation stated that its communication pertained to the worldwide Khalistan referendum addressing the question: "Should Indian-governed Punjab become an independent nation?"

The SFJ, which is widely supported by the American Sikh community, is reaching out to underscore the natural and dependable allies of the US in South Asia – Pakistan and Khalistan.

It emphasised that throughout the past 50 years, as historical evidence strongly suggests, Pakistan, rather than India, had consistently stood as a supporter of the US.

“Whether during the Afghan conflict against the USSR or in the War on Terror, Pakistan has endured significant sacrifices, including the tragic loss of over 80,000 of its citizens, all while remaining a steadfast ally of the US,” the SFJ stated, highlighting Pakistan’s sacrifices.

It added, “Conversely, India has consistently acted against the interests of the US and its citizens.”

In the message, the SFJ pointed out that “in the current Russia-Ukraine war, the Modi-led Indian government has aligned itself with Russia and is engaging in trade valued in billions of dollars with Russia, even in the midst of international embargoes. This stance effectively undermines American interests by providing substantial financial support to Russia's war efforts”.

“Given Pakistan's status as a reliable ally, the establishment of Khalistan within the region of Indian-administered Punjab would naturally enhance Pakistan's position and advance American interests in the region. Therefore, once Khalistan is established, it will bolster Pakistan's standing, counter Indian influence, and safeguard America's strategic interests in the region.”

The SFJ appealed to the US president to reinforce America's relationship with its trusted ally Pakistan and endorse Punjab's separation from India through the Khalistan referendum.

The SFJ communique was drafted by its general counsel Gurpatwant Singh Pannun.