UN chief stresses need for global peace, 'now more than ever'

UN chief stresses need for global peace, 'now more than ever'


UN chief stresses need for global peace, ‘now more than ever’

UNITED NATIONS (Web Desk) - UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, in his New Year Message, has called for the world peace in 2023, underscoring the need for conflicts to be resolved through dialogue.

“From Ukraine to Afghanistan to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and beyond, people left the ruins of their homes and lives in search of something better,” he said in his video message on Thursday.

“Every New Year is a moment of rebirth,” he said, adding, “In 2023, we need peace, now more than ever.”

The impact on civilians, meant that over 100 million people found themselves fleeing violence, wildfires, droughts, poverty and hunger, the UN chief said.

“In 2023, we need peace, now more than ever. Peace with one another, through dialogue to end conflict. Peace with nature and our climate, to build a more sustainable world.”

Peace was also needed inside families and homes, “so women and girls can live in dignity and safety”, added Guterres, as well as peace on streets that too often have seen violent reprisals from security forces in response to peaceful protest.

Demonstrators and whole communities, need “the full protection of human rights”, he said, and for those with religious belief, there needs to be peace in places of worship, together with greater tolerance of other faiths.

There also needs to be peace online, he added, so instead of disinformation, and conspiracy theories, all societies can enjoy the Internet “free from hate speech and abuse.”

“In 2023, let’s put peace at the heart of our words and actions”, the Secretary-General said.

“Together, let’s make 2023 a year when peace is restored to our lives, our homes, and our world.”