Saudi journalist's murder: three weeks of crisis

Dunya News

He was at the consulate to collect a document for his upcoming marriage.

Ankara (AFP) - Here is a timeline of events since the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the kingdom s consulate in Istanbul, as pressure mounts on Riyadh to say who ordered it.


 At around 1:15 pm (1015 GMT) on October 2, Washington Post contributor Khashoggi is recorded entering the Saudi consulate in Istanbul by a surveillance camera.

He was at the consulate to collect a document for his upcoming marriage. His Turkish fiancee, Hatice Cengiz, waits outside.

On October 3, the Washington Post raises the alarm, saying he has not been seen since he entered the consulate.

The US State Department says it is investigating.

On October 4, after an initial period of silence, Riyadh says Khashoggi disappeared "after he left the consulate building".


On October 6, a government source says Turkish police believe Khashoggi was murdered inside the consulate "by a team especially sent to Istanbul and who left the same day."

Riyadh calls the claim "baseless".

CCTV footage released by Turkish TV shows a van entering the consulate on October 2, before going to the consul s residence nearby.

On October 15, US President Donald Trump says he received a strong denial from King Salman of any involvement.

Visiting Riyadh, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says Saudi Arabia promised to ensure a thorough probe from which no one will be exempt.

Severe  response

 On October 17, Turkish pro-government daily Yeni Safak reports that Khashoggi was tortured before being decapitated inside the consulate, saying it had heard audio recordings of the incident.

The New York Times says a suspect identified by Turkey in the disappearance was in Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman s inner circle. Three other suspects are linked to his security detail.

Trump for the first time says he now believes Khashoggi is dead and warns of "very severe" consequences should Saudi Arabia be proven responsible.

On October 19, local media reports that Turkish investigators have searched a forest in Istanbul, having already searched the consulate and the residence of the consul.

 Killed in  brawl

On October 20, Saudi Arabia admits that Khashoggi was killed inside the consulate.

Saudi Attorney General Sheikh Saud al-Mojeb says he died after talks at the consulate deteriorated into a "brawl and a fistfight".

The public prosecutor says 18 Saudi nationals have been detained.

Riyadh simultaneously announces the sacking of top intelligence official Ahmad al-Assiri and royal media advisor Saud al-Qahtani -- both top aides to the crown prince.

The Saudi king orders the creation of a ministerial body chaired by the crown prince to restructure the kingdom s intelligence.

Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir says in an interview with Fox News on October 21 the operation was not ordered by the crown prince.

"We are determined to punish those who are responsible for this murder," he says, adding: "The individuals who did this, did this outside the scope of their authority."


Britain, France and Germany say Riyadh must clarify how Khashoggi died and its account must "be backed by facts to be considered credible".

Trump, who said he found Riyadh s initial explanations credible, accuses Saudi Arabia of lying about the killing.

On October 22, Yeni Safak says a Saudi security official sent to Istanbul for the task, called the head of Prince Mohammed s office "four times" after the murder.

Saudi in crisis

Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih says on October 23 Saudi Arabia is in "crisis" in the face of international outrage over the murder, speaking at an investment summit boycotted by a host of global CEOs and policymakers.

Erdogan contradicts Riyadh

In a speech to ruling party lawmakers in Ankara, Erdogan calls for the 18 Saudi suspects to stand trial in Istanbul, saying "all those who played a role in the murder" had to face punishment.

Contradicting Riyadh s account of events, he says that the murder was "planned" days in advance and says he wants answers on "who gave orders" to the team. "This is a political murder," he says.